How To Stay Healthy In Madison, Wisconsin | The Odyssey Online
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How To Stay Healthy In Madison, Wisconsin

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How To Stay Healthy In Madison, Wisconsin

If you didn't know by now, the "freshman fifteen" is real- especially in Madison, Wisconsin. With the best late night eats lined up on State Street, partying and drinking alcohol at least twice a week, and having to prioritize homework over work outs, you can see how gaining weight is pretty easy. At home, staying fit and eating well were part of my daily routine. Throughout my first few months at school, I have been trying my best to stay consistent with these values. Here's where I have gone to attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle...

1. SERF.

Honestly, I'm a pretty big snob when it comes to group fitness classes. They're either too lengthy, too easy or too boring. The SERF has a variety of classes to offer that run from 30 minutes to an hour. From Zumba to HIIT, this place truly has it all. If you're not a fan of classes, the facility contains an indoor track, pool, weight room and cardio machines.

2. CYC.

They don't call it a party on a bike for nothing... if you like good music, bright lights and friendly instructors then you should definitely give CYC a try. Every week there are themed rides which make the classes that much more entertaining. This 45-minute spin class also includes weights for an extra burn.

3. Inner Fire.

With a wide range of class times and two locations, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to make it to one of the best yoga classes in Madison. The classes include hot yoga, power yoga, sculpt and more.

4. Lakeshore path.

It's common to become bored doing a run but on the Lakeshore path, that does not hold true. With a scenic view and clean Wisconsin air, you'll be able to run for miles. During the warmer months, I love to jump in Lake Mendota after a nice run. In the colder months, don't forget your hat and gloves!

5. NAT.

I'll be honest. The only time i went to the NAT was when I toured for the sole reason that it is extremely far from where I live. For anyone who lives close by, I am super jealous and would recommend getting yourself a membership.

6. Salads Up.

Although this place started in Michigan (ew), I quickly got over that fact when I tried it. Salads help you stay fuller for longer so maybe coming here will help eliminate all that snacking throughout the day. If you're not a huge salad person, smoothies, wraps, juices and soups are available too.

7. Forage Kitchen.

At Forage, you can make your own bowl, taste a variety of pre-made recipes, grab an açai bowl and or sip on a smoothie. There are so many options, I think it's impossible to get sick of this place.

8. Good Food Truck.

On your way back from class, 10/10 would recommend stopping at this food truck. Their daily specials keep the menu exciting with a different wrap, salad or soup every day. I would highly suggest trying the Sweet Thai Chili or the Pardon My Pesto in either a wrap or salad.

9. Jamba Juice.

If you feel like eating something light and delicious, Jamba Juice is the move. Their list of smoothies is endless and if you're lactose intolerant or vegan, almond milk is available. If you're feeling adventurous, go for an açai bowl.

10. Spring Rolls.

Now, with three food carts that make spring rolls, you should be able to grab one without waiting on a ridiculous line (don't quote me on that one). These healthy treats contain veggies, rice noodles, avocado and your choice of either shrimp, tofu or chicken. I don't really want to think about the winter when these trucks go into hiding, taking away my spring rolls.

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