Dear almost college drop-out,
I understand. I have been in your shoes. I have been on the edge of dropping out twice. There have been times when college feels constricting. When all of the elements of school and life strangle you until you just want to completely break free, but it will get better. I swear. My advice to you is fivefold:
1. Take something off your plate.
Alleviate the tension by giving yourself some room to breathe. No club or activity or job is worth your happiness and your future. Quitting one thing will always be better than getting so overworked that you quit everything all together.
2. Take it one day at a time.
Don't look at the entire semester as a whole and all of the things that you have to do. Don't even look at the week as a whole and all of the things that you have waiting for you. Tomorrow has worries of its own, just stick to the right now. If all you can do is look right at your feet and take one small step at a time, DO THAT. You are strong and you are a ROCK STAR for continuing to move forward at all.
3. Be mindful.
This plays into taking it one day at a time. Mindfulness is the practice of being still and bringing your focus back to the present moment. It is an awareness of what is going on around you, and the feelings and senses that you are experiencing. This can be practiced through meditation, or in just being mindful and honest about how you are feeling and what is happening in your present. This can help so much in dealing with emotions and stress as it arises and not allowing it to be bottled and build up.
4. Prioritize rest throughout your week.
Take time every day to just close the door and recharge your battery. This can look however you want. Whether it be reading, napping, or watching your favorite show on Netflix. This can be however long or short you need for that day, but have it none the less. If taking time every day for rest isn't practical for you, then make sure that you have one day off every week that is just for rest. Don't schedule work, friends, homework, or anything that feels like work. Take that day and just rest. Whatever that looks like, take that day.
5. Give it until the end of the semester.
Just wait it out. It may seem so hard and so undoable now, but everything has an adjustment period and over time you will find what works for you.
Just remember, things normally aren't as bad as they seem in the moment. Try and readjust your focus to find the little gems of goodness in every bad situation, because I am sure that they are there. Sometimes they are hiding, but I promise that they are there. Most importantly, remember, you are strong and courageous just to come to college, let alone to stay enrolled and kick college's butt.
Stepping off my soapbox,
Rosalie Michael