As the temperature is dropping, so are grades as well as any hope for motivation. Sadly, those of us stuck in school mere days before the holidays, are still forced to push through the dreaded season of finals. In order to save our futures, we absolutely must succeed in them and pull our GPAs up rather than letting them fall. Here are some tips which will help everyone accomplish bringing that 88 up to an 89.5 (90).
1. Use RogerHub
Use the RogerHub grade calculator online to estimate what is needed on the final to earn the average you want in the class. Accordingly, you can allot time to a certain subject. For example, if you only need a 60 on the final to earn the grade you want, don't spend as much time studying for that subject.
2. Don't Procrastinate
The earlier you begin studying, the more material you are able to cover. Hence, you are more likely to ace that cumulative final. Use flashcards, study guides, review books, study groups, etc. to make the studying process easier and more helpful.
3. Gather Supplies
Make sure to arrive at school on the day of finals with pencils, pens, paper, calculators, etc. DON'T ask your neighbor or teachers for supplies. No need to seem more under prepared. Also, don't forget to have tissues on hand to wipe up your tears during the final.
4. Eat and Sleep
As difficult as it may be, try to aim for at least 6 hours of sleep the night before. Additionally, attempt to consume more than coffee for breakfast that morning and try to eat between finals as well.
5. Stay Calm
Try to minimize the stress which comes along with finals and stay calm during the test.