Every catch yourself dosing off on that long drive? Try these seven things to keep yourself awake (and alive) on the next car trip.
As someone who drives long distances all the time I have had my fair share of feeling sleepy while driving. I also know how incredibly dangerous it is to drive while that tired. On average there are at least 6,000 fatal crashed per year caused by drowsy driving and drowsy driving is something that can be prevented. Stay awake while driving by doing these 7 things and remember to PULL OVER when necessary.
Everyone needs to have their favorite snacks while driving, mine are peanuts (trail mix), chips or granola bars. These snacks help keep you busy and happy. But be careful not to go unto a massive sugar overload.
Air Conditioner and Windows
Everyone turns on the air conditioner or opens the windows when they start to feel drowsy behind the wheel. The cold air will wake you up feel refreshed for the time being. It is important not to make it too cold that you experience a slight hypothermia because you will become more drowsy. Make sure you find that happy medium of coldness.
Kick Ass Playlist
What is the first step for those road trips with all your friends? Have an awesome playlist and sing your hearts out to all the throwbacks. Why not sing your heart out on that solo trip? It's not weird and will keep you awake and smiling the entire time. Make that boring lonely trip super fun.
I am not a person who drinks caffeine at all but I know it helps so many people and trust me I really wish I liked coffee. Caffeine is a great wake up for most people and keeps them functioning for long drives. It dilates your blood vessels allowing for more blood flow throughout the body providing muscles, brain and organs oxygen and energy.
Timing of the Drive
So many people chose to drive at night so that they can get the trip over with (without missing any daytime action) or to let their children sleep. However if you are traveling alone the LAST thing you should do is try driving between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. Your body has what is called a biological rhythm and it is between these hours that your sleep is the most intense and you will feel the most sleepy.
The most important thing to remember while driving long distances alone is that if you feel drowsy and have tried all 6 of these clever tricks, PULL OVER. It is so much better to pull over and get out to stretch and wake for 10 minutes than it is to drive drowsy and hurt yourself or someone else. Adding 10 minutes to the trip will not hurt and your body will thank you for it in the long run.