One of the biggest unfortunate occurrences of being mature for your age is having friends who are all older than you. This past weekend I was hanging out with my 21+ best friends when I left as they went to go to a local bar off campus. I was discussing with a friend how much I wish I could have been there and how I couldn't wait to be 21 when my best friend, Hunter, sent me a text of the image pictured above and below.
And as absolutely delicious as the Sweet & Sour Burst shot sounds my eyes are immediately drawn to the shot above. "Statutory Grape." Statutory goodness, I thought, seriously? My great mood quickly dwindled down as I struggled to fight my rage.
A couple of questions here....
- 1. Is this supposed to be funny? Like really is this supposed to be funny? Who would find this funny? Is rape funny? Is law funny? Is trauma funny? Is PTSD funny? You have a sick and tortured sense of humor if you think there is any to be found in this.
2. Who thought this was okay and made this name? Like what made someone think "Oh, you know what would be a super witty name? Statutory grape! HA, so punny!" Nay, nay, nay. Absolutely not.
3. Why would an American bar put this on their menu? The drink is out there- fine. The drink exists, it's recipe is online- okay. But I can't quite understand why on earth a bar would want this titled shot to be associated with their business?That simply in itself blows my mind.
4. Not only did a bar put this on their menu...but a bar within a mile of a college campus. A campus that is swarming with survivors, allies, and perpetrators. How is this even remotely a good idea?
5. Do people even order this drink? Because I don't care one bit how tasty it may sound I would never, ever order one of these and give a single cent towards a drink so lewd and vile. This is not a sex on the beach, it's quite the opposite. Sub the peach for grape and sub the consent for a life-ruining experience and thousands of dollars in legal fees for a case that was probably lost on little evidence anyway.
Picture this: You're a survivor going out for a round of drinks with your friends at Treff's Tavern before hitting the square. You're sick of your same old sweeTart shot so you decide to try something new. You rake over the menu trying to figure out your drink of choice and as you stumble over the menu two similar words pop out to you. You think "That's weird that would never be on a shot menu- oh. Grape. Well isn't that just hilarious?" Your mind begins to wonder to places you try to keep hidden. Your friends notice your face hallow out and your good mood start to blunder...they ask what's wrong and part of you wants to show them and hope they share your anger while knowing they will never understand your sadness. While the other part doesn't want to say anything because you worry they think you play the victim card too much. You go on with your night and pretend it didn't effect you while drinking your same old sweeTart shot when in reality you can't get a terrible experience of your past out of your mind.
Not a fun picture is it? Too bad similar things happen to far too many people with everyday triggers and this is just one example of the harmful effects of rape culture perpetuation.
I urge you all to never, ever, ever, under any circumstance under this drink or purchase anything that perpetuates rape culture in the slightest. I also encourage you to reach out to any bar that has a menu and this shot appears on and express your concern greatly. Lastly, watch your own tongue. Stay away from saying "a test just raped you," making rape jokes in your every-day life, slut shamming, and so on. Your voice can make far more of an impact in your community than you even think.