On April 29th, I sat down on my computer and excitedly typed an article informing the world that the popular burger chain In-N-Out Burger would be making its debut in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. However, as many have pointed out, the new restaurant-to-be is not set to land in New Jersey, but in California instead, where it natively serves west-coasters.
The information that was written and published was entirely false. It was framed from a source that I believed to be credible, when in actuality, it was not. I place this responsibility entirely upon myself and myself alone. And for this immense confusion and disappointment among many, I deeply apologize for sharing this false news with all of you. I apologize for getting all you In-N-Out lovers' hopes up, since many of you have tweeted out your frustration and anger over this.
I take my role as a writer for this company very seriously, and while this issue has been attracting negative attention, I hope to earn the trust of my readers back by delivering factual articles from this day forward. As I type this out with shaking fingers and a clear head, I want to make my intentions entirely clear.
I love writing, and I love The Odyssey. These facts will never change, and I can most definitely assure you all that this statement has a solid, factual base.
That being said, I'd like to promote the necessity of fact-checking sources.
Without the facts, journalists would not have the backbones necessary to write their pieces and publish them for the world to see. It's these facts that create news written out in carefully structured paragraphs written by talented and driving writers who strive to deliver to their readers. We work hard to publish what we feel our readers would find interesting and enjoyable. Giving out false info creates a frenzy of confusion and induces actions of lashing-out on social media, all that could be avoided if the facts behind the writing are solid and entirely credible.
However, this confusion has sparked the interests of thousands of In-N-Out lovers all over the east coast, catching the attention of the In-N-Out company. While they confirmed that the chain will remain on the west coast, perhaps this is a driving call for the company to finally expand to the east coast and deliver the double-double to hungry fans on the Jersey Shore.
Perhaps one day, we will all have the chance to have a taste of the west coast. But until then, a plane ticket to California will be necessary to eat a plate of monster style fries.