20 Best Places To Eat In Staten Island | The Odyssey Online
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20 Best Places To Eat In Staten Island

The ultimate guide to Staten Island's best restaurants.

20 Best Places To Eat In Staten Island

Everyone knows that there is practically nothing to do on Staten Island in comparison to the city's other boroughs. One thing we do, however, have that the others might not is great food. Consisting of the North and South shores, Staten Island has hundreds of diverse and delicious restaurants spread in every direction. It is home to some of the best pizzerias, wing joints, ethnic restaurants, diners, brunch and breakfast eateries. If you're ever on Staten Island and looking for a great place to eat, here's a list of more than a few.


Breakfast on Staten Island is more than just bacon, egg and cheese on a roll. And you can bet we have some of the best bagel stores and breakfast shops in the Tri-State area! Here are a few of the best breakfast joints:

1. Beans and Leaves

Located on the North Shore of Staten Island, this cozy cafe is known for its fresh waffles with assorted toppings and its unusual flavors of hot chocolate.

2. Piece A Cake

In the heart of New Dorp is Piece A Cake, a bakery that offers breakfast, sandwiches, soups, salads and baked good options. They also serve amazing bubble tea!

3. Dominick's Bakery

Also located on New Dorp. The staff is extremely friendly and the establishment is always clean. They have wonderful breakfast and lunch options. You can even build your own dishes!

4. Bagel Bistro

Probably one of the biggest bagel places on Staten Island, this place is known for its exotic bagels and spreads such as their fresh strawberry cream cheese.

5. The Annadale Terrace (Annadale Diner)

The newly rebuilt Annadale Diner is not only beautiful and clean, but it also has amazing food. Not only is this diner great for breakfast, but it is known for having the best wraps on Staten Island.

6. Project Brunch

One of the newest additions to the South Shore, Project Brunch is famous for their s'mores hot chocolate. This photo pretty much says it all. The menu has a fun twist on tons of classic dishes and the staff is friendly which is always a plus!

Lunch and Dinner

From Spanish cuisine to Japanese sushi rolls to upscale to modern, Staten Island has a ton of dinner options to offer.

1. Adobe Blues

If you're looking for a Southwestern atmosphere with crazy good tacos, here is the place to go. Adobe Blues has the most authentic Tex-Mex food and a romantic atmosphere with the occasional live band! They also have a large variety of beers, if you're 21+!

2. Beso

Beso is an upscale Spanish restaurant with a cozy atmosphere, which makes it the perfect place for a romantic date night. While you're there, don't forget to try their mouth-watering quesadillas.

3. Bayou

Bayou specializes in New Orleans cuisine in the North Shore of Staten Island. They offer great Cajun cooking with a dining area that mirrors the french quarters. They have great lunch specials! A plus: the owner of Beso is also the owner of Bayou!

4. Ocean Sushi

Finding a good, clean and fresh sushi place is extremely hard, but Ocean Sushi is as close as you're going to get to it without diving right in to the ocean. Their sushi is always fresh and the staff is extremely accommodating! Their prices are also fair!

5. Mangia Healthy Kitchen

Located right next to Ocean Sushi, Mangia has all healthy options. From smoothies to wraps, they each have a twist! The wait is long but worth it. I recommend the Southwest wrap and sweet potato fries with chipotle sauce. It's to die for!

6. Duffy's

If you're looking for the best burger on Staten Island then you should head to Duffy's. Duffy's burgers are the size of a meatball and are served on an English muffin with as many toppings as your heart desires. They are indeed "Staten Island's Best Burgers."


Who doesn't love pizza?! Well on Staten Island pizza pumps blood to our veins!

1. Goodfella's

With two locations on Staten Island, Goodfella's is well known — especially for it's brick oven pizza. If you're in the neighborhood, I suggest the antipasto, like a true Italian!

2. Denino's

Right on Port Richmond, Denino's has been a part of Staten Island History since 1937. If you're a true Staten Islander, you most likely have been to Denino's.

3. Campania

Originally from Brooklyn, this pizza joint has prospered on Staten Island and is now opening up its second restaurant in Tottenville. The fresh buffalo pie is a must!

4. Mona Lisa

Home to some of the greatest pizza slices, Mona Lisa is known for its unique deep-dish trays. Some of my favorite slices include the buffalo, the BBQ and the chicken francese.

After writing this, I am certainly hungry and can only hope that after reading you are too. If you ever find yourself on the Forgotten Borough, I hope you give one of my many favorite options a try. Each place has a different atmosphere, but they all have great food and offer a chance to make great memories. Go out and catch the ferry; Staten Island has a ton to offer.

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