The movie Staten Island Summer follows Danny Campbell, a high school grad and Staten Island native who will be attending Harvard in the Fall. Danny works as a lifeguard at the local Great Kills Swim Club and through the movie, viewers get a glimpse of Staten Island summer life and all types of islanders that can be found within the swim club. For other islanders not involved in a swim club, the movie failed to portray a "true Staten Island summer" for me. There are many key factors that make up a picturesque Staten Island summer and, having lived on Staten Island for 17 years, I'm here to clue you all in on what an actual Staten Island summer is.
Ralph's, Ralph's and more Ralph's
Known for their wide variety of Italian ices and Cookie Monster ice cream, any Staten Island summer is full of quite a few weekly trips to Ralph's ices. With locations all across the island in different neighborhoods, there is bound to be a Ralph's only five to ten minutes away. Whenever you are feeling a treat during the summer, Ralph's is a definite Islander spot.
The boardwalk
For Staten Islanders, the boardwalk is a summer place to go to only under the following three circumstances: to workout, to watch the fireworks or if you are so extremely bored with absolutely no plans but it's super nice out so you just stroll. For most young adults, Staten Island summers bring about the third circumstance a lot. I'm sure you could walk the whole boardwalk and see at least one person you know at all times; it's just a Staten Island thing.
The beaches (in Jersey, of course)
Staten Island may be an island and may have a beach but that does not mean our Staten Island summers are spent on our beach. Day trips to Long Branch, Point Pleasant and Belmar, are accompanied by family trips to Long Beach Island, Seaside and Wildwood, as tradition. The beaches are way nicer and everyone loves an excuse to get off the island, if only for a day.
The boats (kind of)
A new trend of the SI summer is to hang out at the marina, on the dock or on a boat like Great Kills or Mariner's Harbor. I'll admit, hanging out on a boat or dock is a great summer past-time which more Islanders should do, but seeing the most average Staten Island person you know posting fishing photos during the summer is one of my least favorite things about our summers (ever). Hate to break it to you dude, but this doesn't mean you are a pro fisher now.
The backyard pools
The really great thing about Staten Island is living in the city, but having a suburban type of life. Odds are you or one of your close friends has a backyard with a decently-sized pool. Now, for those who own pools, I'm going to assume your summer is mostly comprised of you sitting in your backyard, just hanging out, tanning, and swimming. On the other hand, those without pools tend to just harass their friend with the pool to invite them over or have a pool party so they too can enjoy their summer too.
Of course, you have your additional Staten Island summer possibilities like a pool party at a friend's mansion in Tottenville or on Todt Hill, softball games at South Beach and trips to Royal Crown for literally anything on their menu. With that being said, that is it: a true Staten Island summer.