I had a really stressful week. I was mentally and physically exhausted by the end of it. Sometimes, that happens. Sometimes it’s not your week. That’s okay. As I went through this week and it came to a close, I realized how important it is to have people in your life that care about you. I am forever thankful for all of the people on my side that can laugh and joke with me, or make me feel better when I’m upset. Sometimes all you need is an evening of goofiness to make you feel like a different person.
Sometimes in our lives, we get really, really lucky. We have amazing and supportive people that surround us. Sometimes, the universe puts people exactly where they need to be. When this happens, accept it. Even if you’re not sure what you need, trust that what you need will come to you.
Life has this funny way of working out, even in small ways. Sometimes, I like to take a minute and think of all the things that had to align so precisely in order for me to be exactly where I am at this current moment. It makes me feel small, but it makes me feel safe. It makes me feel like I can handle anything.
I subscribe to the “joy in the journey” approach to living. Half the fun is figuring out what you’re going to do next. The other half is enjoying things as they come to you. Taking opportunities, making mistakes, trying new things: these are the things that make life exciting. It’s okay to not know what’s going to happen. It’s okay to be a little scared.
Be scared and nervous and do it anyway. Show up anyway. Jump in anyway. Some of the best opportunities in life come from the things that seemed like unchartered territory. These things are new and different and they shake up your plans just enough to cause something amazing to happen. Even the littlest spark can start in motion a chain reaction that can turn things around.
Part of this comes from the people you surround yourself with. Surrounding yourself with bright people will make your life have a little more glow. We could all use just a little more glow and a few more bright spots. Embrace the bright spots when they turn up in front of you and embrace being a bright spot to someone else. Sometimes, just a little sparkle is all we need to head in the right direction.
So, to those of you that were bright spots this week and every other week, I thank you. Thank you for reminding me that I am here and here is good. Thank you for being exactly what I needed.