It only takes a few steps to improve your mornings. It took some tries, but I finally figured it out. If you follow these steps, you'll find the same energy you used to have as a child waking up, with an abundant amount of motivation to conquer the day.
Set No More Than 2 Alarms
Back in my dreary morning days, I would set about four alarms before actually getting out of bed. I would set them in ten minute increments, hoping each day I would open my eyes and feel a rush of enthusiasm to wake up...which never came. It turns out, I was only hurting myself by doing this. When I set two alarms, with a twenty minute difference, it would be much easier to pop out of bed. If you wanna be a pro, set one alarm, turn it off, and jump right out of bed to start your day. It reminds you to not put off your tasks, and instead get moving to a good start.
Make Your Bed
There was a time when making my bed felt like a complete waste of time. As it turns out, tidying up just a small part of your room will make you feel so much more productive. It organizes the space you get ready in, making you feel happier and more motivated in completing your everyday tasks. In addition, if a bed is made, you are less likely to get back in it during the day. This means you will have more time to do homework, drive the kids around, and open that new book you've been wanting to start.
Wash Your Face
This tip isn't just for a clear complexion. If you're anything like me, you wake up with puffy eyes that cause you to stumble across the room. It takes two seconds to grab a wash cloth, wet it, and put it on your face. It will wake you up, help out with those puffy lids, and of course, wash your skin. This will keep your morning rolling after getting out of bed to only one alarm.
Take Vitamins
Yes, I may sound like your mother, but it pays off. This isn't something you need to go crazy with. It just involves taking the basics, some Vitamin D, Magnesium, and even some Calcium. At the very least, take a multivitamin. These will all help your body on a daily basis, from making you feel healthier to making you feel more alert.
Drink Water
This goes hand in hand with taking vitamins, unless you're able to take pills in the morning without any water. If that's the case, I suggest you don't need this advice to bettering your mornings. Drinking water wakes your body up quicker than anything. On top of this, who doesn't love the feeling of cold water running through your body when you first wake up.
Following these 5 tips can significantly improve your morning. If you don't believe me, give it a try for even a week.You'll find yourself smiling more, and looking forward to conquering your day.