I type something up on this page and then a few sentences down I find myself highlighting it all and deleting it.
Because I want to complain about how annoying and hard life has been lately. I want to go on a rant about how unfair the world is and tell you about my inconveniences that I have had as of late.
I want to tell you that I have dealt with things no 21-year-old should deal with. Been put in situations that 30-somethings haven't even experienced.
I want to talk about my heartbreak and being played by almost every guy I talk to romantically. I want to tell you about girls that I thought were my friends but gave me a cold shoulder.
But I won't.
What will my complaining do? Nothing.
That won't help you get through your pain, in fact it might make it worse. You might read that and then go do the same thing and complain somewhere else and then I just started a cycle.
Don't get me wrong because it does feel good to get problems and stress off your chest.
But not right now.
Now isn't the time to be complaining about my professor hounding my class or my job and the stress it has put on me.
Now is the time to be celebrating or at least letting go.
Maybe you're reading this and college is coming to a close, whether that is temporarily or permanently. You should be happy. You get to be away from school and not deal with staying up late to finish a paper that has no relevance to your life, but instead you can stay up late staring at the stars or go on a late night drive.
You could be reading this and be graduating high school or be going on summer vacation- live in that moment. Treat this summer like the summers you see in movies and make it unforgettable.
Maybe you are reading this at work and it's Monday. Everyone hates Mondays, but don't. This is a start to a new beginning for you. Sure, maybe you are doing the same thing and have the same deadline but make it great because this week could be special if you allow it to be.
You could be going through a break-up, starting a new relationship, losing a friend, gaining a new one, someone passed, a baby was born, quitting your job, getting a promotion, and my list could go on.
There's new beginning to look forward to everyday, and I don't mean that in my Pinterest-y quote way, I mean every single day you wake up it's a reset and you can start again.
Be better than you were yesterday.
Make your bed, eat better, workout, smile at a stranger, get work done, call up a family member or friend you haven't talked to and be awesome.
People can suck. Life can suck.
Don't hold onto that. Let it go, and I don't mean some Frozen tune, I mean truly let it go.
Don't hold onto something that is killing you, just move forward and look for a new beginning.
See how I could have complained for the past 525 words but I chose not to? You have that choice.
There are hard days ahead, and I'll rant my parents' ears off about those hard days but not yet.
I'm almost into my Senior year of college, and then I'll graduate but right now I am focused on now.