To my little cousin as she isn't so little anymore,
As you are preparing to enter the big and scary halls of high school, I know you are having your worries. Everyone does. But the concerns you are focusing on are worse than the realities of high school. High school is just another step in your life, another big learning experience, that will help you grow and become the amazing young woman you have the potential to be.
Classes may be tougher, hallways bigger, teachers stricter, but these are all things that you'll grow accustomed to. The first week may be a little rocky, but you will get into a new routine and it will all be a breeze.
There may be times when you feel like an outcast, but sometimes being different from the group isn't a bad thing. It shows your morals, your values. It shows your strength in being able to avoid the persuasion of others—even when the propositions feel tempting.
Mean girls will be mean, but you just need to stand your ground and show you are the bigger person. You cannot allow people to tear you down after you have worked so hard to build yourself up.
Jerk boys will be jerks, but you can't let the negativity bring you down to a place you shouldn't be. You don't need the approval or validation of any guy to know how valuable and beautiful you are.
You know those friends who you thought were your "forevers?" Well, the girls you thought would be your bridesmaids one day may turn their backs on you. The boys who you thought were your protectors may be the ones who hurt you the most. But, you need to remember — to always remember — that their actions are not a reflection of you but of them.
Be the person you want to be without fear of judgment from others. Want to wear those crazy outfits? Do it. Want to stop doing something everyone around you always expects you to do? Go for it. Want to express an unpopular opinion that means a lot to you? Shout it.
And remember: stay strong. Be confident in who you are (I can assure you that you are amazing). Learn from my mistakes. Make choices that your future self will be proud of. I love you and so do many others. I am only one text or call (or Snapchat with our 200-and-something day streak) away, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need absolutely anything.
Your big cousin who hopes all the best as you enter this new stage in life.