Dear Little Sister,
It’s so hard to believe that my little baby sister is starting high school! I still remember the day you were born and how excited I was. I finally had a little sister! You’ve been my best friend since that first day and our friendship continues to grow each and every day.
I’ll never forget your first day of kindergarten. You were so nervous but so excited at the same time. I was so excited for you and so proud that you weren’t hysterically crying like I was! I was so happy to be able to spend that special moment with you. Well now it’s about time for another milestone to happen, the start of high school! Since I won’t be able to be there with you on this exciting day, I wanted to share with you some advice.
First off I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for everything you’ve accomplished this far. You have grown into such a beautiful and smart young woman. I am so excited for you to start this new time of your life and to make so many amazing memories like I did! St. Anthony’s really doesn’t know what’s coming their way.
One of the most important things I can tell you is to just have fun. Enjoy yourself! Yes your schoolwork is important and you want to get good grades, but make sure you’re enjoying yourself while you do it! Join clubs, play sports, do whatever is going to make you happy. Which brings me to my next point; get involved! One of the biggest things I learned during my four years of high school is that you get out of it what you put into it. Join whatever club you can! The more involved you get, the happier you will be! Go to football games, go to PB&J club, go get half apps with your friends on Friday nights, be as connected to your school as you can. Have fun!
Okay so now that all the fun advice is over, I do need to get a little more serious. There is one thing that is extremely important to remember, don’t change. Unfortunately during your time in high school you will be exposed to a fair share of peer pressure. People are going to change and your friend group may not always stay exactly the same. But the most important thing to do is to not give in to these pressures. Even if people that you’ve known for years start to take different paths and drift apart, stay true to yourself. If you stay true to who you are, people who share the same morals and values as you will notice that and will come to you. Always stay true to yourself.
I really am so proud of you Bella and I am so excited to watch you grow and develop into an even more amazing young woman over the next four years. I love you so much and wish you the best of luck in high school! But remember, no matter how old you get, you’ll always be my LITTLE sister.
I Love You!
Your Big Sister