The new year, 2016, is the time to leave all the harsh thoughts about yourself in 2015. It's time to stop picking out every flaw and imperfection that you have on your face, body, or the way you act. The negativity you bring upon yourself is what's ultimately bringing you down in the slowest way possible.
Let's end the routine or habit of negativity that's been built up for years and years in your mind the moment you look in the mirror. Maybe there's a new flaw you found to add another weight down in yourself. Routines and habits are very hard to break and it may seem as if it's never going to change. But you have to start somewhere!
Little things and changes can make a world a difference, and these may seem silly, but you never know till you try it.
1. Set reminders in your phone or computer.
Setting positive sayings in your phone or computer throughout the day will help break the habit. Looking down and seeing "You're strong" or "You're beautiful. Listen to me!" Sooner or later it'll sit in your mind and help you believe.
2. Write on Post-It Notes and set them around your room, bathroom or anywhere.
It can be your favorite quote, or if you're trying to lose weight and you're not feeling a workout -- write a Post-It saying, "You know you're going to regret it" or "It's only good for ME."
3. Quit complaining about yourself.
These comes into quitting the "pick each flaw routine." The more you complain about yourself is the more steps falling backward.
4. Words of encouragement.
The energy you put into positive and happy thoughts is more beneficial than sitting in a gray cloud. This applies to others as well. Be the sun to someone's gray cloud. Feeding positive words to others always as the return affect.
5. Write a list of everything you love about yourself that are not your looks or belongings.
Let it be your personality traits or the things you do for others. "I am loving." "I am kind,","I'm hilarious even if no one gets my jokes," "I'm a work in progress," and so on. If you can only think of a few then think harder, or that simply means this is the starting point of truly loving you.
6. Stop comparing yourself.
If everyone in the world was the same, then the world would be a very bland place. You are not meant to be someone else. Someone is always going to have something that you don't, and that's life. It'll be a long life.
7. Patience is key.
Self love is an everyday process. It will not happen overnight and it could take a long time. But you are worth the love and devotion for yourself.
Some days will be easier than others. It'll feel like you finally did it, and you love every inch of you -- then the next day you're back a few steps. Stick with this! Falling in love with yourself is one of thee most important things you need to do in your life because it'll make your other relationships so much easier.
All of you are beautiful people that deserve the world! Let 2016 be the year you finally fall in love with yourself.