I typically am not the type of person who uses the term, "new year's resolutions" when the new year comes around. I have no bias towards anyone who enjoys making those new year's goals, and in my opinion it is excellent to make fresh goals to a fresh new year. In my eyes though, I see it as an excuse to only make important goals during one time of the year; when really we should be setting these goals for ourselves all the time. Why start till 2017 for our goals, when there is still some time left in 2016 to begin? START NOW!
I am guilty myself of always saying "oh, I'll start tomorrow", but why? If you want to lose weight and live a healthier life, don't wait until 2017. Get up and start now, or prepare yourself right now. Every time I tell myself a specific date that I want to start something, it almost always never begins on that specific date I tell myself. Now this might just be me, but I'm sure this is a familiar act that many of you have been guilty of as well. The good news is that there is a way to prevent this reoccurring action, and that is by starting now!
If you start your goals today, then it will lead you on a path that you will not want to merge off of. You will become addicted to the change that you see in yourself and with you want to be and with what you want to do! If you start becoming the better you now, then you will only long to keep going. Those silly excuses you used to tell yourself will have nothing on you! But... by telling yourself that you want to start accomplishing your goals on another day, then those excuses will pop up and you will be held back sooner than you think.
I can't begin to tell you how many times I have told myself, "oh, you have plenty of time to exercise tomorrow, you don't have to squeeze it in now", but then the more I told myself that, the more I started to use that same excuse every day. Soon enough a month went by and I had not exercised one bit. And that's when you realize how one too many excuses can really hold you back. In order to avoid a mistake like this, is by beginning the journey you want now. Doing this will leave you feeling relieved and will most importantly leave you feeling good.
If you want to become the better you in 2017, then don't just wait around for the new year to be your start date! Start now, and then by the time 2017 comes, you will already be sunk in deep within the goals that you want to accomplish. Everyday is a beautiful day to make a change, so try and remember to not let those excuses get the best of you. Start that journey to the new you now!