Each semester poses it's own challenges. New classes, new professors, different classmates. With these simple ideas, and using them consistently, success is right around the corner.
- Take notes with classmates in a google doc. Everyone can take notes simultaneously, in their own color, and highlight, or leave notes on what they don't understand for others to answer.
- Get the numbers of a couple people who sit around you. It's inevitable that you'll oversleep once or twice, and you can always ask for a picture of their notes, or study together. Plus, you can make sure everyone makes it to class on time.
- Go in to office hours. Seriously, it's so simple, but start going early and form a relationship with your professor, or TA. The more they see you, and see you putting forth effort, the more willing they are to help. Plus, it's a great reference when you're looking for a job.
- Head to the tutoring center early if you don't get something. A lot of classes are cumulative, so if you miss something on the first exam, you'll miss it on the final of you don't go get help. The tutoring center is free, and stocked with people who are there to help you.
- Read the book. Sometimes you just get a professor you don't understand, or your learning style doesn't mesh with their teaching style. Reading the book can teach you a good chunk of the same information.
- Use Quizlet! It's an app, or a website, and you can use flash cards on the go, share them with classmates, add pictures to them, and turn them into practice tests or games. It's a free (and we all know nothing is free in college and if it is, we need to take advantage of it) resource that makes life so much easier.
- Color code your planner. Have a color for each class that coordinates with folders, so you never forget assignments. Take a half hour at the beginning of the semester, and use some crayola markers or highlighters to organize the whole 16 weeks.