Last year I had the opportunity to be immersed into a whole new world of writing and creativity. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but after my first article I was absolutely hooked.
The Odyssey is not only an adaptive online environment for millennials to share their views on society with...well the world but it also a simple platform that has become a hub of millions of contrasting ideas. There is nothing off limits for the Odyssey Community. There are articles about events that have happened recently, hundreds of years ago and personal events from people's day to day lives. There are hypotheses and full blown ideas that change the mind's of the reader.
The Odyssey is perhaps one of the most innovative platforms in the world, reporting news to you on a weekly basis from a perspective that is not mainstream media. Odyssey is a conceptualization of uncensored truth, controversy and brutal honesty about the hectic world we live in and lives we live, however it's not always like that because sometimes we writers like to sprinkle a little bit of relief and joy on top of all the chaos.
Individuals in our community use the simple saying "I am one person, I cannot change the world," well now you can. You don't have the excuse to let your opinion go unnoticed, your rant to go unheard, your joy to go unshared. With this platform, with these creations you have the power to shape the minds of your friends, family and the general public.
The Odyssey is on a voyage.
What's stopping you from hoping onboard?