Its summer, so you have free time. Instead of doing anything really productive, you decide to watch Netflix. Yet for some reason you decide to start a new series. What could go wrong, right? Say goodbye to your social life or reality because now until you are finished this series, there will be nothing else you are thinking about.
1. You find a new series to watch.
The obsession starts as you scroll through the array of options of new series to start. Almost too many to pick from, but you see the one that you have heard people talking about but never started or had time to start it.
2. You start watching said series and watch an entire season in one night.
The next phase is hitting play and getting through the first episode. It may not get you hooked right away, so you continue to the second episode and before you know it, you are on episode 12 of the first season. You are what is an understatement of hooked. You even contemplate sleep to finish the first season Then the next day at work you are falling asleep because obviously you chose to finish the season instead of sleeping.
3. Then you're suddenly hooked.
Forget it. Now you are hooked. This show has become a part of you. You relate to the main characters and you are laughing and crying with them. You are rooting for their relationship and gasping at the dramatic scenes. You can't stop.
4. Out of nowhere, the show leaves an unexpected cliff hanger, so you have to keep watching.
You think to yourself, "OK, there is no way that this show could get any better," but then the season ends with the most epic, unexpected cliff hanger. "What!? How!?" Luckily, you waited to watch the show on Netflix, and the next season is just a click away. You have already come this far, so why stop now?
5. You've become so obsessed with the show that your friends have to break you out of it.
You get all comfy in the spot you have been watching your series in at the end of the day and prepare for the next season. It may be a long night of the conclusion of what the cliff hanger was. Then all of the sudden you realize that this season, everything is more extreme. There are characters that are dying, there are new characters, and there are characters that are changing who they originally were! Eventually, your friends have to calm some sense into you because they haven't seen or heard from you in a week.
6. And finally, you reach the last episode.
Then sadly, the time comes. The very last episode. You have been dreading this day. You don't even want to start it, but you feel this need like you have to. You want to know what they end with and how everyone says their goodbyes. How will the writers of the show that stole two weeks of your time make you feel like it will all be OK? When it does end? You don't know what to do with this amount of free time.
Then the cycle begins again because you want a new show to watch.