Let's not talk about something toxic like new trends or the tabloids, but about something that may well be beneficial to all young adults in today's generation. Let's talk about self-love.
Some may ask, "what is self-love per say?" Well, self-love is what we would refer to as self-esteem. I rather say self-love because it makes it sound more relatable. When we look around our world today, we notice that everyone follows these new trends that make them look the same as everyone else, and I really think that is a major problem in our generation. I say this because it shows that our young people aren't really doing it because they love themselves, but because it's popular and they are seeing how this new thing is getting so much attention. But ask yourself if you are really happy with the person you are portraying. Most would say yes, but in all actuality you're not.
Let's get back into what I mean by trends. A great example is "natural hair," being unprocessed and chemical free. The real kinky stuff that you were born with. I decided to join the natural hair world about five years ago, and in the beginning it was very scary. I chopped my hair off within an inch from my scalp after I decided that I was going to try this "natural" thing. I did it because I had a friend who cut her hair and, within a year, had tresses almost down her back. It was going well, until I hit a really awkward phase when the hair was growing back. I was not happy with myself and I wore wigs and paid for expensive weaves I never would have bought before. Eventually I got over it once I realized I could do nothing but let my hair grow back. It grew in really nice within a year and I still am natural even after my second big chop. The point is, I eventually started loving myself for how I was after putting myself in a terrible situation because I wanted to be like someone else.
I was always told that no matter how popular, there is always someone just as popular because they are loving themselves just the way they are with no alterations. We have to learn to love ourselves just the way we are. Trust me, I know because I tried my whole life to be the popular girl and I was never happy. Loving yourself is essential to good health. Try it out and just watch how much happier you'll be knowing you're being yourself and loving yourself. When you do, people will love you just as much as the ones who follow all of the worldly trends!