Exams, the worst possible time of year. If your course load is anything like mine, you spent the last few weeks memorizing every brain abnormality humans can experience, and trying to learn the entire Mandarin language, and hopefully you ate and slept in between. But now that it's over, we can do all those things we've been dreaming of since classes end.
1. Take the world's longest nap.
You deserve it. Catch up on all that sleep debt.
2. Spend like two days in bed watching Netflix.
Maybe more. You probably have a lot to catch up on. School will really get in the way of your stranger things obsession.
3. Read all the books.
I have a running list of books I need to have under my belt. Sadly, breaks are the only times when I can dedicate extended time to reading these books.
4. Talk to all the people you've been accidentally on purpose ignoring for the past two weeks.
Finals bring out the worst in all of us and inhibit you from keeping up with your correspondence!
5. Just sit there and think about all your free time.
So much you could do..or not do, ya know?
6. Spend your entire day in a coffee shop.
One of my favorite pastimes. With friends or with a book, I could spend weeks on end in a coffee shop.
7. Score some babysitting jobs to fund your winter break habits.
After all, someone's gonna have to pay for all that coffee.
8. Make/eat all the Christmas goodies!!!!!
and catch up on all your Christmas shopping!
9. Don't even think about thinking about school.
Ignorance is bliss. What are grades anyway?