Now, I started writing this blog because I was inspired by a "Ted Talk'' that I watched, and some stories from people that I'm close to.
We always hear the quote, "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable". And without any doubt, I believe that single quote might just be able change the world. And I know what you're probably thinking. You probably think that I'm being over-dramatic like most woman are... but just hear me out. The term, "comfortable" is one of the most conflicting terms that you can use. When you are comfortable, you feel safe, you feel warm, but you might also feel unhappy and almost empty inside. Now, being comfortable in a safety sense, as far as physical safety, Is always a good idea. But physiologically, it can be draining. I never understood people who felt as if they were made to just be here; to stay in the social and physiological boundaries that society has placed upon us.
We always say that we need to break status quo. But we wouldn't even have a status quo if we became used to breaking out of the barriers of our comfort zone. Let me first ask you a question; Have you ever jumped out of a plane? No? Okay, me either. But somehow when we think about it, we all get the same feeling. The adrenaline rushing through us, the gut wrenching feeling that we're about to throw up. And when we find out that someone has jumped out of an airplane, we ask one question; why? Why would someone just jump out of a "PERFECTLY GOOD" airplane?
The ones asking this question are also the ones who stay in their "Perfectly Good" comfort zone. They might go their entire life not knowing what it feels like to reach out and do the impossible, just once. And yet, extending beyond your comfort zone every time feels ironically as if you're flying. Now, going beyond your comfort zone might not be cascading your body mid air, plummeting towards earth. It might be going for that new job that you've had your eyes and heart set on for years. It might be doing something as drastic as going to another country to study abroad or changing your major without knowing what the future holds.
What I've always found ironic is that humans are like dominoes. We play the game as we grow up but we never see the true consequences of when you knock one down, the others follow in synchronization. One after the other. Imagine if one person started a revolution by doing things that made them feel uncomfortable, doing something that gives them the gut wrenching feeling. Just imagine all the people who would become inspired by that. One after the other, people would start changing their life for the better.
Always being comfortable is boring, we get so caught up in finding something to do. Whether it be fighting for political correctness or bringing someone down for being different. If we gave ourselves that ability to put that much effort into something that could change our lives forever, just think about all of the people who would outstretch their arms to find that being uncomfortable might be worth the risk.
All I ask of you is that you give yourself that opportunity. Give yourself that joy of being able to find your ability to just...jump.