Everyone knows that sometimes they just have a bad day, no reason, no warning, it just happens. I know sometimes it’s just going to not get better until you go to bed or binge eat some chocolate or whatever your favorite indulgence is. But maybe if we start each day, or maybe end each day, feeling grateful and remembering what makes us happy, we can change the turn out of an entire day.
1. Stop and Appreciate, it will give you a positive attitude
When you wake up and you stop and think about what you have to be grateful for today. Let it sink in that no matter what might go wrong, you will stop and think of that one thing you’re grateful for. This can change your mindset for the next 12 hours that you’ll be awake! Long line at the coffee shop? No problem, you’re grateful that you can afford that cup of coffee. Ran out of cream cheese for your bagel? No problem, you’re grateful that you have a place to sleep at night. See, easy!
Thinking of all the good things in life will automatically put you in a good mood. It can be literally anything you want it to be. But being positive and grateful for something in the morning is bound to give you a positive outlook for the rest of the day.
2. It’s a great habit to form
If you have someone in your life that might need some good vibes, suggest this to them. But you should try it first! We all have bad habits so why not create a good one for ourselves? Before you know it, taking time to stop and think will be natural and we don’t have to remind ourselves.
3. It can help you turn a bad situation into a positive one
Say you got pulled over on your way to work (been there done that). How horrible is that? It will probably make you late, it just sets you off because the chances are pretty good that you’ll get a ticket, depending on how much of a lead foot you have. But imagine taking time to stop and be grateful that maybe this prevented you from being in an accident or maybe it just helped you slow down and realize that you don’t need to speed to work. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. So take time and make your reaction something that you can look back on and be positive about.
4. How can anyone think of the negative things when they’re spending 5 minutes focusing on what’s good?
Taking time to reflect on the good things in your life can naturally defer your mind from your sick family member, the bad grade you got on your final, not getting the job you wanted, etc. Try to let yourself let go of those things that can cause you pain.
5. Improves Friendships
I mean this is just a given. Being grateful for the people in your life is such an important thing. And honestly the more you express your gratitude the better those relationships will become. No one likes to be unappreciated or to feel like that their actions go unnoticed. Try starting a morning each week by sending someone new a message about how you are thankful for the things they do for you! I promise it’ll work.
6. It can actually improve your mental health
Expressing emotions of gratefulness and others like it, can release some negative toxins that you have built up inside. Some emotions that these positive ones will help you release include resentment or anger. Nobody (at least not that I know of) enjoys to hold onto those emotions.
7. It may boost your self esteem
Being negative internally doesn’t stop there. It is so hard for our bodies to feel good when our minds don’t. Think about this, it makes so much sense. So therefore, the more positive our minds are, the more positive we will feel about ourselves.