Starbucks versus Dunkin' Donuts: a debate that has long plagued coffee drinkers everywhere. Dunkin' Donuts is a predominantly East Coast chain, first started in Massachusetts, with over 11,300 restaurants worldwide. Near and dear to my heart, Dunkin' has been serving the best coffee, doughnuts, and breakfast sandwiches around since 1950.
Starbucks, on the other hand, is DD's artsy, angsty cousin. Originating in Seattle, the first Starbucks was opened in 1971. Known for their overpriced, overcomplicated coffee drinks, there are over 22,500 stores worldwide guaranteed to make you miss the comfort of your neighborhood Dunkin' Donuts.
Here to outline the critical differences are your favorite Dunder Mifflin employees.
Come Monday morning, you're forced with a tough decision: Starbucks or Dunkin'?

When all other options are exhausted and caffeine headaches force you into your neighborhood Starbucks.

DD breakfast means paying $9 for an XL coffee and 50 munchkins.
Starbucks breakfast means paying $9 for subpar coffee and a reheated sandwich that will be gone in two bites.

Ordering your DD usual, only to be told they don't make a 32-fluid-ounce iced coffee at Starbucks.

Waiting for your ridiculously overpriced coffee.

Watching a hipster teenage barista spell your name horrendously wrong on a cup.

A trip to Starbucks always ends with grabbing extra napkins ...

Coming home for winter break only to find the local Dunkin' Donuts still has your order memorized.

Checking your bank account after reloading your Dunkin' rewards app.

And worst of all, going to a college with no Dunkin' Donuts within a 20-mile radius.

Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks, plain and simple.

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