Have you ever been to Starbucks and they spelled your name wrong? I know I have. I've even told them how to spell "Kait" K-A-I-T, I told the young barista. I get my Iced Caramel Coffee with creamer and sugar and my name spelled "Kate." Okay, that's fine.
I read an article a week or so ago about why people think that the baristas spell our names wrong. Long story short, it was because the more the spell our names wrong, the more likely we are to put it on social media. If we put it on social media, and hashtag Starbucks, we are essentially promoting their brand for free.
If you think about it, how genius is that? Even if that isn't Starbucks intentions, we are doing it without us thinking twice. Now every time your name gets spelled wrong, and you post it on some form of social media, think about all the free advertising you are doing. Starbucks is literally getting you to promote their brand for them without even having to try.
Have you ever thought about how many other companies get you to promote their brand without really trying?