Why Visiting Starbucks Gets You Stressed | The Odyssey Online
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If You Have To Mentally Brace Yourself Before Your Starbucks Run, You Aren't Alone

Ordering at Starbucks may seem like a breeze to some, but to others, it is one of the most challenging fears to face when making a simple coffee order.

If You Have To Mentally Brace Yourself Before Your Starbucks Run, You Aren't Alone

The idea of walking in to a Starbucks for the first time can seem like a mountainous goal for some. The idea of having to answer multiple questions about hot, iced, blended, with or without foam, what kind of milk you want, the questions seem never ending! To make matters worse, the sizes aren't "normal sizes". I have heard many people become confused solely by the question of whether they want a tall, grande, or venti.

Let me tell ya that Starbucks is a world some refuse to become a part of because of the intimidating coffee addicts who come in and order crazy specific beverages. If you had never been to a location and the customer in front of you ordered a "venti nonfat, skinny, iced vanilla latte with one pump of pumpkin spice flavoring, no whip and cold foam on top" you would probably turn around and walk right back out the door wouldn't you? I probably would.

Luckily, my first experience I just ordered a hot chocolate and no one was in front of me. However, I didn't avoid the giant test questions on added flavors I wanted or if I wanted a specific milk, and whether I wanted any added toppings to it. I guess even the simplest drinks can be complicated.

Nowadays, it seems anyone under the age of 21 can easily walk in to a coffee shop, specifically Starbucks, and make up any order off the top of their head with no struggle, but if you are older, or someone who enjoys simple black coffee, you won't leave Starbucks without getting the nervous sweats.

This goes out to all of those who are nervous to step foot, or maybe have no interest because of the intimidation factor of the coffee shop. I am here to remind you that you are capable of anything, including a barista that will "nail" you with question after question while raising the price with each added request.

I may have made a Starbucks experience sound more dramatic than it truly is, but to some, it seems to be an impossible mountain to overcome. Hence, the popularity and draw towards coffee from home. Well, that and the fact that it doesn't cost $5 a cup. Either way, some try to avoid a Starbucks store at all costs for the crazy "youngins" that come in ordering fancy drinks each day.

One person that explains a true Starbucks experience the best is actor and comedian, Kevin Hart. If you have not seen his segment on his first Starbucks visit, then you should check it out. Right now. You find something so relatable to your coffee related life.

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