10. Strawberry Matcha Tea | The Odyssey Online
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Food Drink

10 Starbucks Drinks With 10 Grams Of Sugar Or Less That You Need To Try This Summer

Starbucks drinks taste great, but are not exactly great for you. Here are some new, healthy twists to your favorite drinks to make them a little bit more diet-friendly.

Everybody Craves

I would like to start off this article with a big, huge, gigantic, enormous shoutout to the person who created all the wonderful ideas in this article. Alex Moe, better know as @themacrobarista on Instagram, is a self-proclaimed "starbucks barista finding macro friendly ways to order your beans." Seriously guys, please give this guy a follow, as he has a million different alterations to popular starbucks drinks that make them ten times healthier.

I recently came across his account, and let me tell you, it is life-changing. I am a huge Starbucks fanatic, but I have been trying to eat healthier this summer to lose some of the weight I gained at school and to just start a healthier lifestyle. Due to this, I have been paying attention to calories and sugars in what I eat. Reading through those stats on my favorite Starbucks drinks was super depressing. Ordering any of my usual's would guarantee that I exceed my daily goal of calories and sugars intake. I thought I was destined to completely cut out Starbucks because of this, until I stumbled upon this genius. These drinks are simply too delicious and healthy to not share. I have yet to try all of them, however I am well on my way.

Here are the top 10 drink concoctions by Alex Moe that you MUST try this summer:

1. Hot Chocolate Cold Brew

Alex Moe Instagram

If you know me at all, you know I love my cold brew and my chocolate. What's better than combining the two to make hot chocolate cold brew? Nuh-thing. This drink is so yummy that it should be an actual item on the menu. On top of all of this, it's only 60 calories and 6 grams of sugar.

2. Berry Hibiscus Refresher

Alex Moe Instagram

Refreshers are one of Starbucks most popular drinks at the moment, but they are also extremely high in sugar. This refresher however is only 40 calories and 8 grams of sugar in a venti size.

3. Mango Dragon Fruit Refresher

Alex Moe Instagram

The newest refresher offered at Starbucks just got even better with this recipe. It's only 40 calories, 10 grams of sugar, and a whole lot of deliciousness.

4. Fineapple Strawberry Tea

Alex Moe Instagram

This drink is a total game-changer. There isn't even a regular version of this tea offered on the menu. It is 10 calories and zero, yes zero, zip, nada, grams of sugar.

5. French Vanilla Cold Brew

Alex Moe Instagram

This one is a great alternative to the extremely popular vanilla sweet cream cold brew. It is only 80 calories and has 6 grams of sugar. The only downside is it calls for a pump of hazelnut in it, so if you have a nut allergy like me, it's a no-go. You can always substitute out the hazelnut sauce for an alternative one that will parallel it in calories and sugar.

6. Caramel Iced Coffee

Alex Moe Instagram

If you have a super sweet tooth, this ones for you. At only 60 calories and 6 grams of sugar this drink can help to fuel you with caffeine and satisfy your sugar craving while not actually over-indulging.

7. Low-Carb Pink Drink

Alex Moe Instagram

This drink genuinely blows my mind. The pink drink is known as one of the girliiest and fruitiest drinks Starbucks has to offer. Now you don't have to give it up to keep your summer bod! This drink is only 35 calories and has 1 gram of sugar in a venti serving size. That's a huge drink for almost no calories or sugar.

8. Blonde Double-shot on Ice

Alex Moe Instagram

If you just need a simple coffee fix, this is perfect for you. It's just 100 calories with 6 grams of sugar, and a whole lot of caffeine.

9. Raspberry Green Tea Lemonade

Alex Moe Instagram

This drink is another huge win in the size category. A venti size of this sweet lemonade and tea combo is only 40 calories and 8 grams of sugar.

10. Strawberry Matcha Tea

Alex Moe Instagram

Last, but not least, if you just want a nice tea to try, this one is for you. At 40 calories and 10 grams of sugar it will satisfy your fruit or tea craving.

These drinks are actually life-changing. If you are anything like me and hate how bad Starbucks drinks are for you usually, then consider trying out one of these drinks! There are detailed explanations on how to order these drinks and what all goes into them on Alex's Instagram. Give Alex a follow @themacrobarista on Instagram for more information on each drink and to see new drink recipes as he concocts them. Here's to a healthy, happy, and refreshing summer with one of these drinks in hand.

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