With winter approaching quickly, now is the time to let our inner white girl shine. From mochas to fraps there are so many choices when you walk into the coffee aroma of Starbucks. You may not know this but your choice in drink says a lot more about you than you might think!
1. Pumpkin Spice Latte.
If you order PSL, you're a holiday enthusiast. Halloween & Thanksgiving are your favorite time of year and you probably listen to Christmas music on November 1st.
2. Frappuccino.
You most likely have an extreme sweet tooth OR you're 12 and your mom just dropped you off at the mall alone for the first time with your friends.
3. Black Coffee.
You got things to do and places to be. You don't have time for fake coffee drinkers. Drinking coffee for you is a daily necessity, not a past time.
4. The "Secret Menu Orderer."
You've probably been on tumblr too long to come across the Starbucks "secret menu." Next time hear someone say, "Can I get a pumpkin caramel chocolate chip cookie frappuccino?" they have probably never been to Starbucks.
5. Lattes.
Theoretically, your ideal Sunday is having a nice brunch with your friends. Who knows! Maybe you can get a cool insta pic!
6. Peppermint Mochas.
You're a fan of glorified hot chocolate. It's a borderline children's drink, but hey, it's a mocha, it still contains coffee!
7. Venti Iced Water.
You're probably at Starbucks for the free Wifi.
No matter what your order is, you're just as basic as the rest of us.