Everyone loves Starbucks; myself included and I don't even drink coffee (yes, I still love their double chocolate chip frappes). The company's business structure and corporate social responsibility measures actually employ poor farmers all over the world by buying their coffee beans. Starbucks is truly improving the lives of people on a global scale whether it be through providing coffee goodness for basic girls like myself or giving their business to poor farmers for them to keep a good livelihood. They really make the world a better place. What a brilliant brand strategy from a business perspective.
But I have a theory...
What is with the baristas spelling names wrong on practically EVERY SINGLE COFFEE. Even the simple names (because I understand that ethnic names can sometimes actually be difficult). And I realize remembering names is hard and the baristas have 10 other customers to get through behind you in line, but every coffee has a different name for the same person (idgi!).
So I am convinced that they have to spell every name wrong, or just so often. Why? Well because it's fantastic marketing that costs nothing. And Starbucks is a nothing if not a brand genius.
You get your coffee and see your name spelled wrong, so you Snapchat, Tweet, Insta, Facebook post a picture of your coffee and the prettier the picture the more likes, which leads to everyone seeing your coffee and laughing about the fact that they spelled your name wrong while they are on their way to Starbucks cause they got a craving.
See, the genius? You being basic with your coffee is free marketing for this incredibly brilliant company. I honestly wonder how many more coffees they sold with the trend of basic as well...