It seems over the past year that everything has become offensive to everyone. You can't make a single move without being called out by some organization or some religious group. It also seems as if this trend is going to continue into the holidays this season. There has been a new outrage among Christians all over this great United States of America. Starbucks has not written Merry Christmas on their popular, annual red cups.
The start of the riot that has breached the Christian faith began with a well-known Facebook Evangelist, Joshua Feuerstein. He took to the social media site on November 5, 2015, leaving this video demanding that Christians should be outraged that the popular coffee company didn't put Merry Christmas on their annual red cups this year and that they must hate Jesus because of this purposeful, obvious omission. He went on to say that we should all "prank" Starbucks by telling them our names are Merry Christmas because they are banned from saying the phrase, and they will absolutely hate it. He has since said that Starbucks has lost his business for not complying with his Religion and is making sure to bring other people along to accompany him on his boycott; rallying them to make this boycott public with the hashtag #MERRYCHRISTMASSTARBUCKS.
While taking worldwide action in the name of your religion can be admirable, I would like to point out a couple of things wrong with this movement:
1. 2009: Wish, Hope, and Love Ornaments
2. 2010: Stories are Gifts
3. 2011: Let's Rediscover Why We are Best Friends!
4. 2012: A Flirty, Winky Snowman
5. 2013: Passion for Great Coffee
6. 2014: Let There be Bright
As you can see, out of all the years and themes, none of these cups have ever said "Merry Christmas." Therefore, why start the war now? Why not have started it when they first went out in 1997? If you were an avid Starbucks drinker, you would have received at least one or two of these seasonal cups over the years. Somewhere in that time, you should have realized that they did not say Merry Christmas. I will tell you why this is such a big deal now, and it isn't a good thing. We, as humans, have become sheep. Maybe we have always been sheep, but it seems over the past couple of years the sheep-like tendencies have become outrageously obvious. What I mean by sheep is simply that we will blindly follow someone who seems to make sense without doing any research for ourselves and coming to our own conclusions. Rather than use our brains, we would rather have someone else tell us how we are supposed to think and feel, and somehow that has become an okay thing. But it is not an okay thing. This is far from okay.
Let us take a look at other sheep throughout history. Hitler's Nazi's(and other people who praised him before he took over). Charles Manson's Family. Jim Jones's cult of the People's Temple. These are just three painful examples of how easily persuaded we, as humans, can be by a powerful speaker. We are always looking for some sort of cause to align ourselves with, no matter how big or small the cause. This is the reason that so many people have blindly followed this so called "challenge/prank" created by the afore mentioned Evangelist.
First, let me point out that if you are thinking I am not a Christian because I do not agree with Feuerstein you would be dead wrong. I am a Christian, and I am proud of it. My only issue is with Christians who are all talk and no action, Christians that are quick to accuse what others are doing wrong and won't even look at the mistakes they make, Christians that prefer to start a riot about an expensive coffee company they have the privilege to purchase while completely ignoring the homeless man on the way inside of the establishment who would just be happy to receive some coffee. This is my problem with today's Christians. Christians would be more effective if they would actually practice what Jesus says. Stop trying to cause a riot and actually go out and do something. Instead of fighting over whether or not Jesus is on a cup you are just going to throw away, why not buy that homeless guy on the street some coffee instead? If Christians are worried about spreading the Gospel, the best way to do that is by showing someone that you are worth listening too. You will catch more flies with honey, and you will catch more believers with kind, Christlike acts. You will not "convert" anyone by yelling at them and telling them they are wrong. Use your actions, not your words and I promise it will come with better results.
Here is the thing, I am more willing to accept your views and opinions, no matter what they may be, if you can validate them. If you just spout nonsense out of your mouth or blindly repeat something to me that someone on the internet has said, it doesn't make me value your opinion at all. It makes me think you will never be anything else but a sheep. Reindeer and Snowmen not being on your cup should NOT make you think that Starbucks hates Jesus. The reason released, by the company, for the plain red cup this year is simply because, in the past, they have told stories with their designs, but this year they want the people ordering their product to tell their own stories. That is literally it. They still have a Christmas blend of coffee. They still acknowledge Christians. They are not trying to start a war. AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING how about we just enjoy Thanksgiving first and try to spread the word of Jesus (or whoever and whatever you chose to believe in) through our kind words of thanks instead of sparking a riot over something that was never true to begin with.
Do yourself a favor, stop saluting, stop believing the Helter Skelter, and for all things that are holy, PLEASE stop drinking the Kool-Aid(flavor-aid). Grab a red cup, enjoy your favorite drink and buy someone in line or outside a drink as well. You can spread your own version of holiday cheer without boycotting Starbucks on false pretenses.As for now, Happy Thanksgiving to all!
And for later:
I am going to tell you Merry Christmas, but if you celebrate something different from me? Tell me Happy Hanukkah or Merry Kwanza or Happy Holidays or whatever it is that you celebrate. People are so easily offended, just be who you are and stop trying to out do each other.