One of the best "Star Wars" series has returned to finish the final stories leading up to "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith."
Of course, this does not mean that we will see any parts from the movie put into animation, but what it does mean is that we may be getting story arches that were previously planned and shot but not fully animated.
With so little information, we are only able to speculate on what the seventh season will give to us…Talks of the Siege of Mandalore being animated have been heard. This would show us the beginning of the Ashoka novel where (SPOILER) Ashoka returns to command of the 501st Legion. Anakin and Obi-wan are occupied with the Battle of Coruscant and the capture of Chancellor Palpatine. The story happens right alongside "Revenge of the Sith". Order 66 happens and Ashoka has to run form her once loyal clone troopers and flee the planet.
Another story to be told is how Captain Rex, Commander Wolfe, and Commander Gregor found out about the computer chip inside their brains.Some of this was touched on in season six, however, we did not see our clone heroes succeed in saving themselves.
In "Solo," we find out that Maul is the head of a criminal organization known as Crimson Dawn. The last time we see Maul in the show is when he is captured by Palpatine. This plays a little into the Siege of Mandalore arch because Maul is sent to Mandalore again to take over. This begins the Siege of Mandalore, but what about after Order 66?
With a new apprentice, Darth Vader, Palpatine no longer needs Maul and will likely kill him. Being the survivor that he is, Maul plots against his former master. He gains power through the criminal underworld until he is, possibly, betrayed and left on the Sith homeworld, Malachor.
Whatever stories they intend to tell, "Star Wars" fans will love it. This may be the first step to swinging the fans back from "The Last Jedi" and lukewarm "Solo".
Welcome back, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."