5 'Star Wars' Spinoff Ideas That Have Potential | The Odyssey Online
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5 'Star Wars' Spinoff Ideas That Have Potential

The 'Star Wars' Anthology films have great potential to tell unique and interesting stories within the 'Star Wars' Universe.

5 'Star Wars' Spinoff Ideas That Have Potential

With the success of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and in anticipation of "Solo: A Star Wars Story", I thought it would be fun to see what ideas had unique potential for a spinoff film. The best thing about these anthology films is that they have free reign to be about whatever they want in any genre they want.

"Rogue One" was allowed to be a straightforward war/spy film. "Solo" is going to be a crime/western comedy. The potential to take elements from various corners of the "Star Wars" Universe and apply them to any genre you want creates endless possibilities.

These are just a few of the ideas I was able to come up with off the top of my head. Hopefully, my readers can come up with their own unique ideas for a spinoff that I may have missed.

5. Jabba the Hutt Spinoff

The idea for a Jabba the Hutt spinoff film has been circling around Lucasfilm for the past few months, so the possibility of this film actually getting made are pretty high.

I would love to see a "Star Wars" film that was a straight-up gangster/mob film. We could see how Jabba amassed his criminal empire on Tatooine. We could meet various other Hutts in the crime family and see how they run their portion of the galaxy. We could see how gang wars/turf wars are fought in the "Star Wars" universe.

What drives armies of pirates and bounty hunters to work for Jabba. What kind of problems and corruption are going on in the galactic government that causes these criminal empires to thrive. These are just a few ideas that makes the possibility of a gangster movie in the "Star Wars" universe so fascinating.

4. Horror Film

The idea of a horror film set in the "Star Wars" universe has me super excited. We already saw some of this potential in the non-canon novel Star Wars: Death Troopers. We saw how a zombie infection on a spaceship could add a sense of dread and claustrophobia. Imagine "Star Wars" doing a horror film with an alien creature/species. Imagine the disturbing and crazy creatures that the folks at Lucasfilm could come up with. Imagine a film that also deals with psychological fear and paranoia, such as a team of Rebels and Imperials who are forced to work together to fight the creature. Could they set aside their differences/allegiances to fight the creature? Can they fully trust the enemy to save their lives?

3. The Hundred-Year Darkness

For those who don't know, The Hundred-Year Darkness was the ancient period, thousands of years before the events of the films, when the Sith was formed after leaving the Jedi. This is when we see some of the first conflicts between the light and dark sides of the force. These are conflicts that would lead to countless wars that devastate the galaxy. A film based on this could show why some preferred the dark side. It could show, with gravity and importance, how the unified force was split into the two factions that we see in later films. It would act as a sort-of origin story for the galaxy's centuries of various wars and conflicts.

2. Sports Film

The "Star Wars" universe has no shortage of fictional sports within it. From Pod racing to Swoop racing the possibilities are endless. They could even invent a new sport for the film if they wanted to. We could see our underdog hero/heroes face off against the pros of the sport. We could see how the sport ties into the state of the galaxy. Are more restrictions being put on the game and the players because this takes place during the Imperial rule and they want to control any public sport. Are more people watching the sport in the Republic to keep their minds off of the Clone Wars and what Palpatine might be doing with his powers as Chancellor. It would also be a nice bit of world building for the universe.

1. Jar-Jar Binks Spinoff

While you are all sharpening your pitchforks and lighting your torches after hearing such a thing, just hear me out. Yes, Jar-Jar was a bumbling, annoying side character who constantly got in the way and became emblematic (fairly or not) of everything wrong with the Prequel Trilogy. However, I feel that no character is beyond salvage and I feel Jar-Jar does have the potential to be saved. We could see what his life was like during the Empire and after the Empire. Did he take a side during the Galactic Civil War? Did he have regrets about his decision to give Palpatine emergency powers, which led to the Clone Wars and the formation of the Empire? Is he still alive around the time the First Order rises? We could also flesh out more of his character and make him less annoying. We could see a complete turnaround of opinion with this character and that would be the most interesting story of all.

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