I watched "The Last Jedi" twice. The first time I watched it just to see it. Just to get the experience of being uncomfortably sandwiched between two people with the smell of popcorn and sweat wafting in my nose. But don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, of course there was no problem with sitting between people. Besides, half an hour in, I forgot they're even there. And there’s a special feeling about sitting in the theater watching a movie for the first time, especially one that’s so popular that the theater is packed.
The movie started off strong. If you watched "The Last Jedi" right after watching "The Force Awakens", you would barely see a split in the storyline. It’s a seamless progression of story. We go right from the Resistance destroying Starkiller base to the First Order sending its destroyers and dreadnoughts to the Resistance base. But overall, this was one of the only parts of the movie that made any sense. After the First Order destroys the base, then the quality starts to go downhill.
It became disjointed and random, and refused to answer questions we had from Episode VII. They created tons of new questions in addition to the questions we already had. It seemed like the movie catered to people wanting 2.5 hours of chaos. There was way too much shooting, explosions, and death, and not enough actual plot. Snoke died, but we still don't know his origin story. And now Kylo Ren is the Supreme Leader. All of it is very confusing.
In a short summary, I cannot imply that The Last Jedi is a bad movie. But I can’t tell you that it’s amazing. It continues the story, and makes a little sense. My biggest concern is that they won't have enough time to wrap up the story in a neat and new way in the last movie. Even though probably everyone has already seen it, I can’t recommend you watch it. On a five-star system, I can only give it a 3 out of 5.