Standing up for something you believe in is not always easy. Especially when it is unpopular. It's so easy to fall into a familiar pattern with the rest of this world--going along with the popular culture. Falling into a world of self-indulgence, lust, and greed. It's no secret that the world is a sinful place, and we are sinful beings. For me personally, it is a daily struggle to live my life in a way that is completely right and holy in God's eyes. The only way I can even come close is through Christ living in me. I have to remind myself to let Christ guide my choices, to rule my desires and defeat the sinful nature that arises inside of me. Of course, I'm not perfect, and there are many times that I don't act Christ-like. But with God's grace, I wake up every day knowing that Christ is in me and I am an example to others, as a Christian, to live a life that is pleasing to Him. But beyond ourselves, what are we supposed to do about the sin that we see around us? The world tells us to just mind our own business, focus on our own lives, and keep our opinions to ourselves. To an extent, that is true. Matthew 7:1-2 says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." We are all sinners, and we should not spend our lives pointing out other people's sins.
But I believe there is a difference between judging someone, and standing up against sin for the well being of someone. Galatians 6:1 tells us, "Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted." We are called to watch out for each other and be there when another falls into sin. We are called to be accountable to one another, and to be watchful of dangerous behavior that could be hazardous to a fellow brother or sister in Christ. We are not here to be the moral police and to call out the failings of others to build up our own self-importance. We are here to be a community with our brothers and sisters in Christ and to walk together into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping each other not to stumble in sin along the way.
However, this is difficult when that worldly view of Mind Your Own Business And Let Me Live My Life How I Want To Live My Life takes over and we are suddenly condemned for standing up for what is right, good, and holy. Never mind our good intentions of safe, Godly behavior being promoted. It is suddenly quite unpopular to speak out. We are told it would be better just to mind our own business and keep our eyes focused on ourselves, to be silent against the raging war of evil in this world.
But I am here to say, speak out. Stand up. Fight for what is right. Not in a mean, malicious, judging way. That is the opposite of the goal. Stand up in a way of kindness, love, and with the best of intentions. Speak out to help a brother or sister stay out of darkness and bring them into the light of Jesus. Stay away from calling people out by way of anger or revenge--but show them the way with love. And, of course, show them the path of forgiveness and mercy from God, so they know that there is always hope for those who have sinned against Him.
And if this is unpopular, so be it. The world is telling us to stay quiet, to let sin be sin. The world normalizes this behavior and frankly, it is dangerous. Sin is hurtful, and it often hurts more people than just the one sinning.
This last verse is going to sound a bit harsh, but it is exactly what I'm trying to say. Ephesians 5:11-14 says, “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them… . When anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light."
Stand up for what is good, right, and holy.