There’s always going to be that moment when you’re really happy with your grade on the most recent test/quiz you just took, and you walk into class only to find out that your grade is considered “terrible” compared to everyone’s else. Even if you truly did really well, you’re not that same happy person you were when you first saw your grade because the girl next you did significantly better.
How about the situation with the talk about SAT or ACT scores? Trying to score that perfect 1600 or 36 definitely isn’t easy and on top of that, to maintain a 4.0 GPA and be involved in clubs and extra-curricular activities is a lot to take in being only a high schooler!
The society we live in today allows us to think that these standardized tests should tell us how capable we are of mastering the “real world.” Yes, they are a major factor in the whole college fiasco, but should we be letting standardized tests show our true potential and “define” us?
When most high schoolers see the word, “goals,” majority will say something related to a good score on a standardized test or an accomplishment in their career/college. But, does getting that 36 on the ACT or 1600 on the SAT tell us whether we can do great things in the future? WRONG. Getting perfect scores on these strenuous exams shows various things such as, how studying can do wonders, but it doesn’t show if you can accomplish illustrious things in the near future. A number scribbled on a piece of paper shouldn’t dictate one’s self-esteem or feelings. This number shouldn’t tell you how smart you are because humans are much more than just numbers and statistics that we, ourselves have created.
So next time you’re planning on staying up till 1 am to crack upon the stack of books sitting on your desk again, don’t stress yourself because test scores don’t define us. Just because you fail a quiz does NOT mean that you’ll fail in the real world because, TEST SCORES SHOULDN’T DEFINE US. There are so many factors that go into someone’s personality and capability of being able to reach your goals. Your compassion towards reaching your dreams is the greatest thing that matters.