As an active member of social media, the attack on the beautiful and so talented actor Leslie Jones reached my ears quickly. The Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters' star was targeted with extreme hate messages and attempts to bring her down, attacking not only her character but also her physical appearance. Leslie has done nothing but show her support for others and follow her love of her profession, and she was attacked for merely being "there". Hackers released nude photos of her online for the whole world to see and battered her with racist comments.
I was dumbfounded. How does this happen? From the time we are entered into grade school, we are repeatedly taught what bullying is, what it consists of, the different types, and the extreme repercussions it has. I remember in high school, someone made a disgusting Burn Book social media site intending to expose people, and they had severe consequences. But how is something on such a grand scale, seen by the entire world, caused by racism and happening repeatedly, considered "boys being boys??" What kind of example does that set for kids? Cyberbullying and any type of bullying is NOT okay. Racism is NOT okay. Abusive behavior is NOT okay. We can not allow it to be okay.
Since then Twitter has addressed the matter, but the social media site as well as others needs to be more proactive in ensuring that situations like this do not happen again. No one should have to go through that. Leslie said in a statement "I feel like I'm in a personal hell". Our hearts are with you - we #standwithLeslie