As humans, we are guilty of being lazy. In life, we have become complacent. We don't
think more than two steps ahead. If it's our career, our love life,
or our faith, we just go about it day by day. I am guilty of this more
than anyone I know. I hate change, and it's easier to stand still. I
didn't realize how I was holding myself back, until I thought about my
future. Who do I want to be? I am 22, and I thought that I would
eventually figure it out and pursue what I was meant to pursue. However, as
time has moved forward, I haven't thought a thing about the next five,
ten, or even twenty years of my life. Age is something that creeps up on
us, and we think we have an unlimited amount of time.
I was always guilty of thinking that something would fall into my lap, and I would be just fine. News flash: that is NOT how life works. I decided not too long ago that I wanted to pursue a career in writing because I wanted it to be more than just a hobby. I have stopped myself so many times from turning into something I can benefit from because I was too afraid to put in the effort. I made every excuse I could think of until I eventually ran out of legitimate excuses. We never know what we are capable of until we move in the direction we are supposed to move in. I'm so thankful I have a trusting God that already knows my plans and all I have to do is move.
Another reason I am so attached to the same spot is I worry about what people may think about the direction of my life. Would they think I was going in the wrong direction? Would they think my passions are insignificant? I finally figured out this is my life, and I have to be the one to live it. I don't always agree with the path others are on, but that's their direction. They have to follow what they are passionate about, and I'll do the same.
However, there are seasons of our life that do require stillness. We go through things in our life that make it seem impossible to move. There have been times when my life has been hit with great sadness and the thought of moving on seemed as easy as moving mountains. In those moments, it is critical to take a moment to heal. A mind clouded with sadness or trauma may not make the best decision. Those seasons pass, however, and once it does you have to take a few steps. It may be hard to just pick up where you left off, but in the end you will be surprised at your own strength. Life will pass us all by as quickly as it came, and my hope is that I used every moment for the better. I don't want to look back and see that I only hid behind someone or a situation. Toxicity in relationships, or in situations in life, can cause you to become unable to make the best decisions for yourself. If someone is more interested in leading you, rather than walking beside you in life then it's time to let them go. You will be so glad you did. Regardless of where life takes me, I pray I'm strong enough to take it one step at a time.