In recent news, there's been this ridiculous story that NFL Players aren't standing for the flag. That's is very disrespectful. If you don't like the president we have, too bad because America voted him in and he is our president for the next 4 years; correction, 8 years. All this heat and backlash from the news outlets about OUR president is over the top. Never in my life have I ever witnessed such whining from the news.
The fact that NFL players are not standing for the flag because of something the President of our country said. I'm sorry, but the more than 1.1 million military members who died for your freedom ( and right to act like a foolish middle schooler isn't enough to stand and respect the flag of your country. I understand if it's against your religion or you physically are unable to, that's different than what these idiots are doing.
America is not perfect, nor will it ever never be. Burning the flag, and not standing for the national anthem that means so much and is the one thing that use to bring the country together is uncalled for. You have the right to protest, yes. But there is a line between peace protest and being outright disrespectful to your country. I have a few questions for you: Are you a LEGAL citizen of the United States? Do you someone who fought or is fighting in our military? Chances are you do know someone. By not standing for the national anthem and flag you are basically saying "eff you!" to that person. If you were raised right, you would know the RESPECT goes a long way because respect can turn in to trust and you can get further in life.
The flag is not about "privilege", racism, or anything else liberals seem to find offensive in any ridiculous way. The flag is about courage, justice, and freedom that you can't find in any other country in the world. If anything, NFL players have the privilege to make thousands if not millions of dollars for playing A GAME. If you believe not standing for the national anthem, pledge of allegiance, or any matter for the flag that has brought you so much freedom is going to help your "protesting" you are painfully wrong.
You are creating this division even though you want to work together to improve the country in some way, shape, or from. If you can't respect the flag, I can not respect you.
Let me remind you of the Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Let that sink in and really think about it.