I am tired of people disgracing those who have lives and hearts of blue, and answer the calls to protect and serve. I am aware of police brutality, and the errs of the criminal justice system. However, this does not mean they are not human. It is in the human condition to have faults, do wrong, and make mistakes.
If seeing a gun, or something that looks like a gun is so upsetting to you, why don't you become a police officer, and see how long it takes for you to decide in time to not get shot? Odds are, you will be dead before you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the object is or isn't a gun. I am no gun expert, and would think for a long while if an object is a real gun or not. It takes a lot of skill and training in order to become fully aware of what a gun actually looks like. I'm sure gun replica experts have observed weapons long enough to be able to create mock ones that look authentic enough to fool anyone from the naked eye.
I strongly dislike when people constantly pick apart this particular job, acting like they are experts on law enforcement. You cannot selectively support police, or their line of work. Like in a marriage you can't only support your partner during the good times, it is a commitment, and a dedicated aspect that you created to nurture for the remainder of your life.
If citizens are going to be so persistent to point out wrong about one particular job, or field of work, are the others so perfect that police officers and law enforcement should be ashamed? I beg to differ. Let me explain. Are teachers and educators so advanced that they can teach students to be effective members of society, teaching them the complete story and not biased bullshit that they personally support? Are entrepreneurs and other business professionals so perfect that there is no fraud? Are zoologists so perfect and evolved that every creature that walks this vast earth known? I'm confident there are some out there that we don't know. Are we as people so perfect that we can afford to insult a profession as a collective?
Are all Christians perfect and cleansed of all sins without having to confess and seek repentance? Are all liberals and progressives so strictly adherent to their political platform that they do not overlap with those of conservatives? Are we all so perfect with ourselves and our oral health that we have no cavities, or crowns, or gingivitis? Is the medical field so advanced that people have stopped becoming ill? Are those who do not identify as binary so in tune with themselves that they have a pre-printed label of their gender identity, and are fully aware of what they entail?
Are we as a society, a people, and as a human species homo sapiens so perfectly conditioned to make no flaws? Is it because we are not done evolving our minds, our consciousness', and our thoughts? Then stop criticizing others for what they cannot do perfectly to a tee. Every single person makes mistakes, and it is inevitable. Every job has its significance in society, no single one is more important than any other. Whether or not each profession has fully and entirely perfected its craft, I will continue to support law enforcement and all they do on a daily basis for us.