I'm sure if you're reading this you have some knowledge of "You," a Netflix show that released last month. If not, it's basically about this dude who stalks and obsesses over this girl named Beck. That leads to all sorts of craziness and definitely worth a watch if you have nothing else to do. The whole season is him attempting to do everything in his power to keep Beck by his side.
Now, I'm not saying I'm in the exact position as she was in the show. I'm not saying there is this guy who is obsessing over me. It's just something I find creepy personally, especially with the situation that's happened to me recently.
As a journalism student, I have to obviously interview people and I don't have the greatest track record when it comes to guys I interview. Most of the time whoever I interview will overstep boundaries and take my interest in the story as interest in them as a person (romantically or something).
Last weekend I covered a local event for a newspaper. It was super fun and I had a great time seeing what students are contributing to our community. But while I was there, I spoke to this guy for 10 minutes just about the students and the work that was happening. That's it.
Yet, I woke up Saturday morning with a Facebook message from that guy. I was so confused because we had only spoken for 10 minutes and I honestly didn't remember much about him because it wasn't a significant encounter. But here I was staring at a message from him asking if I remembered him.
I felt angry and sick to my stomach that someone had found me on Facebook. Not that I haven't looked someone up before, but I've never had someone I've barely talked to look me up and actually reach out to me. More importantly, I did not give him my last name or anything like that, so you know he went that extra mile.
It also made me think about the 10 minutes I talked to him. Did I say anything that would give an idea he should definitely reach out? Did I do something? After thinking those things I thought it was extremely stupid of me to place responsibility on myself for his actions.
It really made think about boundaries and how we seriously have none online. It's crazy. And it's crazy to me that he could have found me with minimal information. Why are the only internet boundaries we have just the ones we deem appropriate among our friends?
All I'm saying is that people should kinda know better. Also might delete my Facebook (kidding but scared of the internet).