Auditioning for a show can be a time when a theatre geek goes through a huge range of emotions.
From the very beginning up until the cast list goes up, it can be a fun, but also a very stressful time. These are the 11 stages of the audition process.
1. Find out about the show.
As soon as an actor finds out the show they are going to be auditioning for, whether it be a school or community production: they get on the internet. They research the show if they don't already know it, and start finding out all there is about it. Characters, songs, everything.
2. Deciding What Character to Audition For
This next part is really important to the process. It affects how you are going to act at the audition, and the kinds of songs that will be stuck in your head until you audition. You tend to even try and become that sort of character to prepare for the audition.
3. Choosing a Monologue
This is important. It is good to choose a monologue that will fir with the type of show and character you are auditioning for. Not only will this help the director see how you would fit into the show, but it also will be evident that you have actually put thought into your audition.
4. Choosing a Song
Just like choosing a monologue is important, so is your song choice. It is imparitive that you find a song that you know you can sing confidently, and shows off your vocal capability.
5. Being Prepared for a Dance Call
At most musical auditions, there will be a part of the audition where you will be asked to learn a short dance routine to show them what you can do. It is good to go into the audition having a little bit of experience under your belt. You don't have to be an expert, but you need to be able to pick up on the routine at the audition.
6. Practice, Practice, Practice
Once you have your material, it is time to get down to business. Practice until you feel you are ready to rock that audition. Then keep practicing.
7. Before the Audition... Prepare Yourself
Right before your audition, instead of cramming your mind with every possible scenario that you can conjure up about what can go wrong, just breathe. Get all your nerves out, and get ready to blow them all away.
8. It's Audition Time!
Here it is, the moment you've been waiting anxiously for! Time to put all your hard work into action and nail that audition!
9. Relief... It's Over
Ahhh! It's over. You can breathe again.
10. Freak Out (only for a little bit)
After that sigh of relief comes the stress. Your mind floods with thoughts like: Did I mess up? Was that horrible? Did my voice crack? Do I look like a grasshopper when I dance?!?! The agony after an auditino can be unreal sometimes. But try to stay positive in your talent.
11. The Cast List Goes Up.
This can either be a moment of sweet victory or bitter defeat. You either got the role you wanted, a role you didn't want, you got in ensemble, or you got nothing. No matter what happens though, it is going to be okay. If you got something great, if not, start practicing for that next audition! Not getting into a show does NOT mean you aren't talented, maybe you just weren't suited for that particular show or the director's vision. Never give up, there is always another audition. Pursue your dreams and do not throw away your shot.