It is summer! School is out (except for those in summer school), the sun is shining (everywhere except western Washington), and there are new goals to be set (except for those of you who, like me, don't deal well with change).
Studies show that 66% of people who set resolutions dare themselves to become more fit. Even though nearly three-fourths of those people fail massively, I bowed my head and made the same resolution. Although I do enjoy certain physical activities, I don't like them all and I wanted to change that.
Here are some of the phases I've been experiencing while undertaking this goal:
1. Inspirational Speeches from Sibling(s)
You know the deal: "You've got this." "Never give up." "Your family is counting on you." Siblings or friends use any phrases that make you realize your honor is at stake, so you better not stop now!
2. Starting the workout
"This workout is so easy." You feel invincible! No sweat! Literally. No. Sweat.
3. Reality Check
4. Almost done...
5. You've finished a hardcore workout!
Until tomorrow, that is.
6. The day after your first day.
7. I wanna' give up!
We've worked out for a few days in a row now, and the pain is still there. It's not going away, if anything it increases. You want to quit but you can't help but keep at it!
8. THE Feeling
9. Falling in love with exercise
You're really enjoying yourself, especially when you're done with working out for the day and THE feeling (point 8) keeps with you throughout the day.
10. Lifestyle
You love the new lifestyle you've found and wonder if people know about this. It's a wonderful thing!