Horror movies always seem like such a good idea at a time. Who doesn't love to cozy up with a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie? So, you decide, why not a scary one? and make the commitment. It's fun to be scared every once in a while. However, halfway through the movie, you realize that you've made a terrible mistake. I don't even like horror movies! What the hell am I doing!? By the end of the movie, you've decided that you're fine. Movies aren't even real, anyway. These feelings quickly transition into denial, fear, and acceptance. Read on for thoughts and feelings you experience after watching a horror movie.
1. Wow! What a great movie!
Haha! You weren't even scared! What a stupid movie that was! You saw every scare coming. You're so brave.
2. Good thing that'll never happen to me, though.
Though you admit that the movie had its scary moments, you comfort yourself with the thought that nothing like that could ever happen to you.
3. Better watch something happy before bed, just in case.
Hey, you can never be too safe, right? You pick out your favorite Disney movie, a comedy, or a good cartoon to shift your mind to something a little more upbeat before you go to bed.
4. OK, I should be fine now.
Phew, that buffer movie really did the trick! You've forgotten about the scary movie, and now you're ready for a nightmare-free night of sleep.
5. [In bed.] Don't think about the movie, don't think about the movie, don't—
Unfortunately, thinking about not thinking about the movie causes you to think about it. And then...
6. [Thinks about the movie.] Shit.
Just as you get comfortable and start drifting to sleep, you remember the climax of the horror movie and become afraid all over again.
7. [Hears a noise.] OK, don't panic. Movies aren't real, anyway. It's all made up.
This thought provides you with a sense of security that is dually false and temporary. It calms your mind until you process the excruciating realization...
8. Wait, wasn't it based on a true story?
When you recall the horrifying five words from the opening credits, you can feel your pathetic attempt at silencing your fears quickly dissolve, paving the way for more frightening thoughts. Every creak becomes a tiptoeing killer, each howl of the wind a paranormal visitor.
9. [Another noise.]
10. You imagine every possible scenario of your future demise.
So, that noise was the killer/ghost/wild animal. Tonight, you will be eaten alive/slashed to death/possessed/WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE.
11. Acceptance: The murderer from the movie is going to jump out of your closet and kill you. Or the window. It's fine, though. You're cool with it.
You are most certainly not cool with it. You won't be sleeping for the next several weeks. WHAT A GREAT IDEA WATCHING THIS MOVIE WAS.
12. Eventually, you will forget this traumatic experience and decide to go through it all over again.
Keep doing you, you horror movie-lover/hater.