Every time that I open the Facebook app on my phone I find myself watching almost every food tutorial that pops up on my feed. I think that I can vouch for a majority of all Facebook users when I say that these tutorials are extremely fun to watch and they are capable of making your mouth water. They make cooking and baking seem so easy with each step that is presented.

After watching a tutorial, I want to go into the kitchen and whip something up. I have to admit, these tutorials make me feel invincible. I feel like I can master any dish or any dessert that I desire after viewing them. They never fail to entertain me when I’m bored. I can scroll through them for hours on end which is pretty frightening, but they are just too addictive. If you’re part of this majority, I’m sure that some, if not all, of these thoughts run through your head as you closely watch the food tutorials that are scattered throughout your Facebook feed.
1. Wow, only three ingredients?
2. This looks mad easy…
3. Maybe if these ingredients are in the house I can whip this up real quick.
4. Oh my gosh, if this is as easy as it looks then I have to make it.
5. Okay, my mouth is literally watering I need to eat this now.
6. Wait, it has to be refrigerated for three hours?
7. Ugh that’s too damn long… I don’t have that kinda patience!
8. Hmm does it definitely have to be refrigerated? Maybe I can just skip that step…
9. Yeah, that’s probably not the best idea…
10. This really doesn’t look that difficult!
11. I think I am capable of making it…I wanna do it now!!!
12. Sh*t, I don’t have enough time though…
13. I need to get off of my phone and be productive today.
14. Maybe I’ll make it tomorrow?
15. OMG…the end result is breathtaking.
16. I should just ask my mom to make it.
17. She's good at this kind of stuff.
18. Eh, she probably won’t want to.
19. Wait, I should text my friends and see if anyone’s bored.
20. I’ll tell someone come over to make it with me.
21. I have to go to the grocery store too.
22. I hope that the ingredients aren’t that expensive.
23. Help me I'm poor.
24. All of my friends are busy.
25. I don’t feel like making this alone.
26. It would be more fun to make it with someone.
27. Alright, I should probably get up and do something.
28. Wow, I really do waste a lot of my time on social media.
29. Honestly, these food tutorials are to blame. They are just too fun to watch.
30. I should delete my Facebook app.
31. Haha jk…I’ll just end up downloading it again tomorrow.
32. Lol my life’s a joke.
33. These food tutorials make me really hungry.
34. Now I need something to eat… But the only thing that I want to eat is XYZ from the video.
35. Alright, I guess I’ll just settle for whatever is in the fridge…
36. I have to make XYZ sometime soon.
37. I definitely will…maybe…probably not.
Oh well…
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