Summer: the season best known for sleeping in, soaking up the sun, and enjoying your time off or the vacation that you have been tempting yourself with all school year. Sadly, some students this summer, myself included, had the bright idea to enroll in a summer class instead. It's a great theory, with shorter classes spanning only a month or two. You can focus your energy on one or two classes at a time, and you're able to get ahead or catch up on your major without prolonging your college years. However, what your guidance counselor failed to tell you was the five stages of reality that you will experience every day when you realize that the only swimming you will be doing this summer is drowning in your textbooks.
1. Denial
I can totally wake up at 8 a.m., no problem. It's only four weeks, it won't be that bad. It's definitely going to be easier because I can just focus on this one class. It's summer so I'll have less distractions. I honestly don't care that I have to take a summer class.
2. Anger
How can the professor expect us to know ALL of that? We have a test tomorrow, we just learned it today! The professor is going WAY to fast! This class is going to kill me! I just need a break!
3. Bargaining
I promise if I can just pass this summer class I'll get all A's Fall semester! So who wants to let me take a picture of their notes?
4. Depression
I'm just going to sit here and cry, but study. Study and cry.
5. Acceptance
Well, too late to back out now. All I really need is a C. Unless you're a nursing major, then you need an A.