Sleep is a wonderful thing. Nothing is better than being able to crash after a long day at school or work, or having life decide to throw everything at you in one day. But all too frequently, we sacrifice sleep for a multitude of reasons, ranging from studying to partying to video game binges. We've all done this, and we all regret the decision in the morning, vowing to never deprive ourselves of miraculous sleep ever again. But alas, we never hold true to this promise. Puppies know this struggle all too well, so here are the steps of sleep deprivation as told through the eyes of man's best friend.
1. The first yawn...
No big deal, you got this!
2. A quick snack break...
3. The heavy yawns...Oh, crap.
4. After 3 cups of coffee...I'm hearing smells and tasting sounds!
5. Trying everything you can in your power to stay awake...
But fighting a losing battle. Bite. Chew. Repeat. Bite. Chew. Repeat.