In 3-7 short years (hey, I'm not here to judge) you were able to tackle your Bachelor’s. You ruled college; sleeping in until noon on Thursdays, sneaking wine into
1. False sense of accomplishment
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You already earned one degree, in four months you'll have the next. Four months, 120ish days, a few papers & measly presentations in between you and wearing that sweet-ass hood at commencement? You laugh in the face of upper division courses.
2. Immediate Realization of Underestimation
One week in and your professors have already asked you to prepare a one-hour presentation, a few 20 page research papers, and a contract insuring the sacrifice of your first born once you've finished 70+ clinical hours. You've found yourself thinking, “does seniority plus a couple of years mean nothing to you people?” The answer: It doesn't. It really doesn't.
3. A Vague Sense of YOLOness
You already did the whole senior year of college thing. Your techniques worked then, obviously they’ll work now. Once you walk across that stage, you do actually have to get a job. Like, a real one. Talking about the Kardashian sisters while you tutor freshmen won't cut it anymore. There won't be any more school once graduation rolls around - you’re only a student for so long, you HAVE to take advantage of these blessed circumstances while you still can.
4. Decisions Were Made, Now I Have to Panic
Just kidding, don't ever YOLO when your Master’s program depends on you actually studying before an exam and meeting with faculty members about your future on a regular basis. It’s time to reevaluate your life choices. The library might smell differently than it did 2 years ago. You may feel like the oldest person on the 3rd floor. But my goodness, you are a dedicated, soon-to-be young professional. Shut off your TV, put that moscato away, and open your books. It's time to do the damn thang, Africa.
5. The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Sh*t, I only see Fall Break)
It's sickening. How can it only be week 5? I can almost hear young Cindy Lou Who singing “Where are you Christmas, why can't I find you?” Instead, it's Hocus Pocus season and you have to takehilf of any relaxation you're offered (yes, nap during those 10 minutes between class, or cry). That December end date might seem far, so far away, but I promise it's closer than Winston and Ferguson are at the end of Season 4. You got this, grad student. YOU. GOT. THIS.
Unless you graduate in May. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of need.