Most college students have experienced the great tragedy of sleeping alone when their roommate leaves for the weekend. Some love it, some hate it, some couldn't care less. I however, hate it when my roommate goes home and leaves me for the weekend. Here are the stages I go through when my roomie abandons me:
1.) The "Play Music Without Headphones" Stage
While my roommate and I get along, a lot of how well we get along depends on whether or not we play our music out loud. She can only take so much country, and I can only take so much 21 Pilots (I'm sorry, I know not loving them is a sin. They are good, but only for an hour at a time. Please don't hate me).
2.) The "Who Am I Going to Dinner With" Stage
Crap. You have to find friends that don't already have plans now. Or just eat in your room...probably just eat in your room.
3.) The "Treat Yourself" Stage
Why not paint your nails? Do your makeup? Use that new mask you've been dying to use? Make your hair look all fancy?
4.) The "Eat Everything In The Room Because No One Is Here To Judge Me" Stage
5.) The "I Should Probably Do Some Homework" Stage
There is literally no excuse. No distractions, and you do have that test on Wednesday.
6.) The "Wander The Halls Looking For People" Stage
YOU NEED HUMAN INTERACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7.) The "Netflix Binge" Stage
Setting new records for amount of shows watched in a day...even Netflix is concerned about your social life now "are you still watching??"
8.) The "Talk To Yourself" Stage
Don't judge. You are so lonely at this point. Everyone does it.
9.) The "I Have To Sleep Alone In Here" Stage
All of a sudden all the noises other people make are much scarier. Who knows if you'll even make it through the night??
10.) The "Waking Up Alone" Stage
The sadness hits all over again.
11.) Literal Despair