You get the assignment and you’re initially very optimistic. You plan to have your first draft done a week in advance; then you will take it to the writing center and even turn it in to your professor early.
You think about getting started on the paper when you have a free minute. The keyword here is "think." It crosses your mind, but Netflix is calling your name.
The paper is due in a week and you haven't even started. OK, so this wasn't your original opinion, but you still have a good amount of time. It'll be fine, right?
The paper is due tomorrow. You still have yet to start. Denial turns to freaking out. You really can't avoid the assignment any longer, but it's important to remain calm and get right to work. But how can you not freak out when you have less than a day to write 10 pages?
You are bitter when your friends invite you to hang out but you know you can't. How dare they ask you to hang out? Don't they know you have a paper to write? Why would they tease you like that?
It's going to be an all-nighter. There's no denying it. You only have a few hours to finish the paper, and every hour is precious. You really can't sacrifice your hours doing something wasteful like sleeping.
You have been at the library for hours, and you really think you're going to go crazy. Sitting down for this long is not helpful for your restless leg syndrome. Walking laps around the library would be nice, but there's no time to lose.
Caffeine is your only option at this point. After dozing off a few times, you finally resort to an energy drink and accept that you won't be sleeping tonight. Even after you finish your assignment.
You look around the library, and you're the only one left. Everyone else is already back in their dorms peacefully asleep while you drink Red Bull and continue to stare at your computer. You'd love to be asleep, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
The sun is rising and the birds are chirping. The sun is coming up like light at the end of the tunnel. You are almost done with the paper, and you just want to be done.
Fiftenn hours later, you are finally finished. It may have been better had you not waited until the last day, but it didn't end up too badly. You're actually kind of proud of yourself for working through the night and getting it done. Now you can sleep for about 30 minutes before class.