Thinking of ideas for articles doesn't come easily to me. If I can think of a killer topic that I have a lot of material for, writing the article itself a piece of cake, but the hardest part is probably thinking of things that haven't been used already, or having ideas that I wouldn't have enough to say about. I'm sure everyone is wondering what my creative process is, so here are all of my thoughts and wisdom for anyone that is thinking of writing articles for Odyssey, or if someone just wants an insight into what it is like to be me.
1. "OK, gotta think of an idea. Should I do something funny? Something serious? Maybe I should comment on a recent event."
2. "Maybe I should do another list. What kind of list could I make this week? Do people get tired of reading those? I should probably write a whole article, not just a list."
3. "I've had too many silly articles. I should do something serious, something that will make people think and get a conversation going."
4. "I have not had a serious thought in my life. How am I supposed to write an article and have people take it seriously?"
5. "This idea would make a good headline. Too bad I don't actually have anything to say about it, besides what the headline is already saying."
6. "What would people share the most? I should do something that a lot of people are going to share, something that is relatable to everyone."
7. "No, I shouldn't write for shares. I should write because I like doing it."
8. "But having a lot of shares WOULD be nice."
9. "This is hard." Time for an Instagram break.
10. "I am never going to think of an idea. I used all my good ideas in my first two weeks, and now I have nothing left."
11. Time for a Twitter break.
12. "Here's something I could write about, I should get going on this right away, so I don't forget parts of it."
13. Does not get going on it right away, and forgets parts of it.
14. Finally starts it, takes various food breaks while writing, and finishes hours later.
15. "Well, it's done and submitted, and there's nothing I can do now but wait for it to be published."
16. Remembers something I wanted to include in the article after it's published.
17. Repeat this cycle next week.