10 years later, I finally got to see Taylor Swift in concert. Let me tell you she does not disappoint. But I'm sure you've heard all about her concerts and I'm sure you've all seen pictures and videos all over social media. Do you know what you don't see though? What happens before, during and after seeing Taylor live. "So it goes"....a little like this. "Are you ready for it?"
1. Buying the tickets.
If you know about Taylor Swift she makes you work for her tickets, I had to sign up and watch videos all day everyday to move up the list for pre sale tickets.
2. Listening to Taylor Swift all day everyday on repeat.
Taylor sang one different song during her Reputation tour. You have got to make sure that you know all the lyrics to every single one of her songs. She sang change at the concert I went to but the day before she sang 22.
4. Making signs for the concert.
How can you even think to cheer on Taylor Swift without a sign of some sort?
5. Pre-gaming and tail-gating her concert.
It's a mini concert with you and your crew before the actually concert.
6. Buying more merch when you get there.
Because that extra $90 that I spent was 100% worth it.
7. Having to sit through the opening acts.
Possibly the worst thing ever, because you're so close to her coming out but still so fat away. Also, Charli XCX and Camila Cabello were so good, but not Taylor.
8. When you hear her music start to play.
Get your phones ready because she's about to come out.
9. FINALLY seeing Taylor Swift perform.
It been week and a half and I'm speechless still, let me just say words cannot describe how excited I was and how amazing she was. I actually cried when she sang Love Story and You Belong With Me.
10. Leaving the concert.
Hands down the saddest thing ever.
11. Going through your pictures and videos.
Mini concert part 2
12. Waking up the next day with mixed feelings.
Are you happy that you saw her? Sad that it's over? Too tired to feel anything?
13. Constantly talking about it whenever you can.
So this one time at a Taylor Swift concert...